Trauma / Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The effects of trauma can feel like a prison - trapped inside of your body's reactions to the present as if you are in the past, having emotions that seem out of proportion to the current situation, repeating patterns even though you "know better"....it can be confusing, disorienting and frustrating.
PTSD and trauma can result from many different sources:
A one-time direct or indirect experience of death, threatened death or serious injury, or the knowledge that a relative or close friend has been exposed to this sort of trauma.
Emotional or physical neglect, emotional or verbal abuse, physical or sexual abuse.
An overwhelming medical diagnosis, the onset of a disability or a strenuous and life-interrupting course of treatment for a medical problem. ​
Any experience that leads to altered beliefs about self, others and the world. This includes things that the average person would not think of as being traumatic, such as being picked on at school, criticized by a parent or having to take an inappropriate level of responsibility for oneself or another person at a young age.
A typical indicator of trauma is that you have a strong emotional reaction to a particular situation in your life, even when you "know" you "shouldn't" feel that way. This disconnect indicates the presence of unprocessed psychological material that was stored in the body as traumatic.
Our therapists are prepared to help with the following symptoms of PTSD:
Unwanted upsetting memories
Nightmares and "flashbacks"
Emotional distress / physical reactivity after exposure to traumatic reminders
Avoidance of trauma-related thoughts / feelings
Avoidance of trauma-related reminders
Inability to recall key features of the trauma
Negative beliefs, thoughts and assumptions of the world, oneself or others
Difficulty trusting others
Emotional dysregulation or numbing
Repeating trauma dynamics in relationships
Exaggerated blame of others or oneself for causing the trauma
Decreased interest in activities
Feeling isolated and misunderstood
Negative mood / Difficulty experiencing positive mood
Irritability or aggression
Risky or destructive behavior
Hypervigilance, anxiety, being "on edge"
Heightened startle reaction
Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty sleeping
To learn more about the treatment of trauma, please visit our Trauma Therapy / EMDR page.
Our therapists are here to help you heal. We offer a variety of empirically-validated treatments for trauma and PTSD and are prepared to accompany you on your journey to find your place of peace.