Amidst a devastating pandemic and the pain our world is experiencing, I sit with myself to find my gratitude - my gratitude for this little coastal town that has supported one another during this time, my clients who have shared their stories with me and my place of work which has provided mentorship and growth in many different ways.
As I bid farewell to Place of Peace, it is not without bittersweet feelings and gratitude. In my journey with Place of Peace, I have learned more about myself as a human being and a clinician than I ever knew I would. I learned faith in the process, dreaming bigger and trusting in the process. I received mentorship from Dr. Tara Ferguson that would change the trajectory of my dreaming, to encourage me in my holding space for the pain and growth of others. I’ve learned so much from my clients, colleagues and mentorship that I will be forever grateful for. That dreamy sage green office space will always feel like home to me.
But it is onto a new chapter for me. I’m feeling called to take a step forward into my dream and trust that this is the next step for me. Dr. Tara Ferguson and the mentors in my life have always encouraged growth, and for me that looks like growth both professionally and personally as I lean into my faith and open up a new practice of my own for our community. It is my hope that my new office space will carry the dreams and hopes of so many into fruition, just as Place of Peace has done for me. As for me, I will continue to hold space for growth, healing, empowerment and love, just in between different walls, just a few miles away.
Thank you Dr. Ferguson, for your unwavering encouragement and wisdom and to my clients and colleagues at Place of Peace who continually inspire me. I look forward to seeing where this new adventure takes us.
All of the best,
Stefanie Roback LCSW, LCAS
current + former clients may reach me at or 910-408-2302 for any questions